Nadia Wager
Nadia joined the University of Huddersfield as a Reader in Forensic Psychology in September 2016. She was previously a Reader in Psychology at the University of Bedfordshire and prior to that a Principal Lecturer in Forensic Psychology at Buckinghamshire New University.
Nadia is an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society and a Chartered Psychologist (Teaching and Research), having been awarded a PhD from Brunel University in 2002. Nadia’s doctoral studies focused on the impact of occupational stress on employees’ health. Specifically, she examined the psychophysiological responses of employees to their supervisors’ interactional styles.
In 2009 Nadia completed the British Psychological Society’s independent route to achieving Stage One of the Diploma in Forensic Psychology (equivalent to an MSc). Her dissertation for this was a critical review of the potential social-cognitive mechanisms that might potentiate risk for sexual revictimisation. This has served as a catalyst for her on-going empirical research in this area.